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New baby on the way?  How exciting! 
You’ve been planning all the details, right? 
Beautiful nursery, baby’s first outfit, breastfeeding versus bottle feeding…
But have you also planned for your recovery time after your baby is born?
Most moms-to-be don’t include their postpartum recovery time into their plan but it may actually be the most important part of your plan!

Resilience is an in-home postpartum doula service.  Through this service a certified postpartum doula can come to the home of new mothers and help to

Educate new mothers in the best care of themselves and their babies,

Encourage mothers in the early stages of motherhood, and

Support mothers during their new discovery of motherhood and the struggles and adjustments associated with postpartum.

Sommer Bennett, CPD (CBI)

Certified Postpartum Doula


Contact Sommer to book your postpartum support


re.sil.ience  /re'zilyens/ noun

1. the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again.

2. an ability to recover from or adjust easily to change.

3. the ability of something to return to its original shape after it has been pulled, stretched, pressed, or bent.

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